GftW Deliverables and Work Planning

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How to read this document and its color coding

Hello and welcome to the DisCO MOTHERSHIP GftW Deliverables and Work Planning wiki entry. This Mothership Wiki Entry takes over from the previous shared document. We've switched to the wiki for easy hyperlinking of the different sections.

Important Links

(If you're color blind or have difficulty seeing some of the color distinctions, please contact COMMUNITY or STRA.DEV so we can cater to your needs wink)

Working Circle Labels











Deliverable Status

There are two complementary types of statuses:

  1. General Deliverable Top-level status
  2. Specific deliverable 2nd-level status

Num 2 is always a subset of num 1. Let's look at each in turn:

1: General Deliverable Top-level status

Each of the main deliverables (extracted from the main DisCO Project Matrix) is color-coded in the following way.

DARK GREEN = Deliverable up to defined status/quantity

TURQUOISE = 2nd priority deliverable, dependent on time/resources

GREY BLUE = Planning, groundwork and pre-design

PEACH = Planning Only

Pink Text: Accounted as LoveWork, but part of project deliverable reporting

Green Text: Accounted as CareWork, but part of project deliverable reporting (DisCO LABs pilot development for DisCO MOTHERSHIP and Guerrilla Media Collective) [1]

This lets us know the status of the deliverable in relation to Grant for the Web. This clarifies how much attention we pay to that specific deliverable within GftW's budget and scope. Deliverable status is displayed in the headers that precede each deliverable. Here's a visual example of what that looks like:


2: Specific deliverable 2nd-level status

This refers to the bullet points listed under each General Top-level deliverable. The color key tells you the progress status of each of these:

Bright Green = Deliverable COMPLETED

Pale Green = Deliverable mainly completed. Follow up tasks pending

Bright Blue = Deliverable Currently Underway

Bright Yellow = NOT STARTED/PLANNING STAGE. Needs to get underway

Bright Red = Deliverable CANCELLED from GftW (but not from the DisCO Project) Moves into next funded/project

Here is an example of that:


Deliverables are listed in approximate order of priority


The Timeline is currently being revised for 2021. Watch this space for updates

DisCO and Geeks Without Bounds Collaboration

DisCO projects for GftW




Pre-grant period (Oct 2020)

DisCO F.

Preparatory work on team roles, value distribution and KPIs. Organization of work with Value Flows dev team, DisCO RESEARCHers and DisCO pilots.


Define software architecture, User Stories drafted, recruit additional programming & UX team members (individuals and orgs), recruit cooperatives for pilot projects. Set up new GWOB legal entity and start 501c3 process. Establish a new bank account. Launch new website.

November 2020

DisCO F.

DisCO Floor website structure, preliminary design and pilot survey. Draft design and structure for DisCO Handbook. Communication and outreach campaign.


All protocols (CommonsPub, Interledger, Web Monetization) talk to each other in "hello world" equivalent for DisCO Deck, 1st graphic design of front end complete

December 2020

DisCO F.

DisCO Floor backend development. Pilot follow-up. Final designs and UX. Ongoing comms and outreach. Handbook content.


Virtual Meetings with Pilot projects to discuss UX draft designs, First full front end built based on results of UX team + pilot team Meetings

January 2021

DisCO F.

Continued platform build, iteration and UX testing. Preliminary Handbook draft. End of year narrative, project progress update.


Pilot projects begin using MVP software; Meetings with pilot teams for deep feedback

February 2021

DisCO F.

Pilot projects begin using DisCO Floor and adding content relevant to their experiences. Handbook review and corrections. 1st implementation of Web Monetization and Interledger resources.


Continued software improvements; Meetings with pilot teams for deep feedback

March 2021

DisCO F.

Software improvements, platform testing and building bridges with DisCO Deck value tracking platform. Handbook formatting.


Continued software improvements; 1st Draft of report on experience of pilot projects; Meetings with pilot teams including feedback on software and report

April 2021

DisCO F.

DisCO-thon events (contingent on Covid and adaptable to online format). Public presentation and launch of DisCO Floor and the DisCO Handbook.


Continued software improvements; 2nd group of org pilot projects may begin here, or the software may get a 1.0 release, depending on experience of 1st 4 pilot projects; Pilot Project Report completed, published

Post-grant period 2021

DisCO F.

The DisCO project will continue work on the DisCO Floor and DisCO Handbook, and create other resources (see Attachment 2). We also expect the DisCO F. to be launched concurrently in early 2021. There will be ongoing DisCO RESEARCH, communications and pilot development work performed outside the scope of this proposal.


Continued software improvements; Conference talks about software (TECHnical) and experience (human); DisCO Deck may continue in GWOB accelerator for up to 2 years, as needed.


(Sourced from DMMSS (DisCO Matrix Mapping Spreadsheet). See also Grant for the Web Reader, which contains the and GWOB applications combined)


What follows is a very granular list. The truth is that most of these components overlap. Ie: completing parts of a deliverable listed in one section, will also advance others. This is a linear masterlist to allow us to:

  1. Plan work
  2. Allocate the budget
  3. Make a Gantt Chart
  4. Organize deliverables according to working circles
    1. This involves converting as many of these tasks into clearly labelled and scheduled Trello cards and checklists
  5. Ensure meeting GftW deliverables

This documents some early distinctions about stages of development which need to be clarified further. Many of these components will reach an demo or alpha stage by the end of GftW (think V0.5 or V1.0 but all of them will require further development (toward permanent Beta) through other grants, etc. GftW is building the base for this future development.

We simply need to show some early prototypes to justify the grant. In real world terms this means that we get as far as the money allows, and plan for the next round (with any additional on-funded needed work tallied as LoveWork

1: DisCO FLOOR: Educational resources and legal tools

General Status Overview: GftW covers the 1st iteration of the DisCO Floor Container (Wordpress, part of existing domain)


V.1.0 Alpha/TRL 4 [2] release of:

  1. DisCO Ball (Semantic Wikis)

V.0.7 Pre-Alpha[3]/TRL 3 release of:

  1. DisCO Blocks (COMMUNITYRule)
  2. DisCO Floor (Wordpress)

TRL 2 Conceptualization/Early Designs and roadmap:

  1. DisCO Journey (Wordpress, Commons Transition Primer Child Theme)

CONTENT V.1.0 releases of

  1. DisCO Trilogy (PDF, Epub, html/Wordpress)
  2. Infographics (to be used in Ball, Trilogy + repurposed for videos)
  3. DisCO Stories (html/Wordpress)
  4. Videos
  5. DisCO Handbook (PDF, Epub, html/Wordpress)
  6. Translation and Localization (TBD)


DisCO Ball: Knowledge Base

Semantic MediaWiki/Tweeki Skin

100% structure of DisCO Ball + GMC + DisCO Project wikis + semantic interlinkages. Content tbd

  • Front end Figma mockups: VISUAL
  • MediaWiki implementation of designs: TECH
  • Semantic Wiki functionality: TECH
    • Development of Self-hosted DisCO Mothership and Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki:
  • Structure content:
  • Add content:
    • Inc. user manuals for DisCO FLOOR, BALL itself and DECK:[4]


  • Video Tutorials:
    • Includes embedded GIF short demonstrations for software documentation
  • Implement + promote WM:[5]
  • Advocate, community care and partnerships:
  • Search funding for further development:

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

DisCO FLOOR Wordpress

1st Iteration. See footnote[6] for details. Cont. thru NGI-A prop

  • Visual and UX design of FLOOR Homepage/subdomain: VISUAL STRA.DEV
    • This must plan for future models/blocks
  • DrupalWP implementation of Design TECH VISUAL
  • Narrative and branding: STO.DOC
  • Visual mapping of all DisCO Resources and subdomains: VISUAL STRA.DEV TECH
    • Inc infographic
  • This includes content/structure updates to homepage: VISUAL STO.DOC
  • Implement + promote WM: TECH STO.DOC NET.LABS
  • Advocate/publicise: NET.LABS
  • Search for funding for further development: DIWO

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

  • None

DisCO Blocks

JUST PLANNING: Ie, literature and mockups. Initiated through NGI-A prop or other funding

  • Structure content STO.DOC STRA.DEV
    • Inc.Q&A format, prompts, etc.
  • Front end Figma mockups: VISUAL
  • Implement mockups on CommunityRule backend: TECH
  • Governance Model v.4: STRA.DEV STO.DOC
    • Compile LAB Modules: NET.LABS
  • Spit out code for DECK and BALL: TECH STRA.DEV
  • Add content: STO.DOC
    • Inc. documentation in DisCO Ball: STO.DOC TECH
  • User testing: NET.LABS TECH VISUAL
  • Implement + promote Web Monetization: TECH STO.DOC NET.LABS
  • Video Tutorials: STO.DOC VISUAL
  • Advocate, community care and partnerships: NET.LABS DIWO
  • Search funding for further development: DIWO

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

  • String Figures (Glitch Me, community feedback)

DisCO Journey

preliminary designs, draft texts. Part of NGI-A prop.

    • Structure content: STO.DOC STRA.DEV
    • Preliminary Sketches: VISUAL
  • Clone Commons Transition Primer Theme: TECH
  • Search funding for further development: DIWO

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

  • SUPERMARKT (Learning Journey Materials)



V.1. Cont. thru NGI-A prop

  • Structuring Handbook Materials: STO.DOC
  • Compile examples from LABs: STO.DOC
  • A/B Handbook vs wiki: STO.DOC
  • Write content (or draw from DisCO Ball): STO.DOC
    • Must include stories on WM + Interledger
  • Select Art VISUAL STO.DOC
  • Design Handbook VISUAL
  • Format Handbook VISUAL TECH
    • PDF, Epub, Html
  • Advocate/publicise NET.LABS

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

  • None

The DisCO Trilogy


    • DisCO Trilogy Homepage @ VISUAL STO.DOC
      • Includes previews + description of all three papers+ links to each paper's "homepage"
    • Manifesto V.1.2 Changes: STO.DOC VISUAL
    • Manifesto V.1.2 additional formatting (Html, Epub): VISUAL
      • Includes menu page in with access to individual chapters VISUAL
    • Updates to Manifesto Landing Page: VISUAL STO.DOC
    • Writing DisCO Elements: STO.DOC
    • Design of DisCO Elements: VISUAL
    • Infographics for DisCO Elements (see Infographics section below): VISUAL STO.DOC
    • Format DisCO Elements: VISUAL TECH
      • PDF, Epub, Html
      • Includes menu page in with access to individual chapters: VISUAL
    • Serialise Elements (Hackernoon) VISUAL
    • Conceptualization of PinkPaper: STRA.DEV TECH
      • Inc. general RESEARCH/critique of WhitePapers: STRA.DEV TECH
    • Writing DisCO PinkPaper: STO.DOC
    • Design of DisCO PinkPaper: VISUAL
    • Infographics for DisCO Elements (see Infographics section below): VISUAL STO.DOC
    • Format PinkPaper: VISUAL TECH
      • PDF, Epub, Html
      • Includes menu page in with access to individual chapters: VISUAL
    • Advocate/publicise: NET.LABS
  • Search for funding for further development: DIWO

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

  • David Bollier (Elements feedback)
  • Furtherfield (Elements and PinkPaper feedback)
  • SUPERMARKT (Elements and PinkPaper feedback)
  • COALA (PinkPaper feedback)
  • Informal Systems (PinkPaper feedback)
  • P2P Models (PinkPaper feedback)


See comment - 60%

    • Text/Design/Format What is DisCO?: VISUAL STO.DOC
      • Part of DisCO Elements (see "Trilogy "section above)
    • Text/Design/Format 7 DisCO Principles: VISUAL STO.DOC
      • Part of DisCO Elements (see "Trilogy" section above)
    • Text/Design/Format DisCO Gov Model: VISUAL STO.DOC
      • Part of DisCO Elements (see "Trilogy "section above)
    • Text/Design/Format DisCO CAT intro: VISUAL STO.DOC TECH
      • Part of DisCO.Floor and PinkPaper
    • Text/Design/Format DisCO ValueFlows: VISUAL STO.DOC TECH
      • Part of DisCO.Floor and PinkPaper
  • IntraDisCO Value Flows. Must include WM+IL
    • Text/Design/Format Web Monetization and Interledger in DisCO: VISUAL STO.DOC TECH
      • Part of DisCO.Floor and PinkPaper
    • Assess/produce additional infographics for PinkPaper: VISUAL STO.DOC
    • Future infographics TBD/planned for as needed: VISUAL STO.DOC
  • Advocate/publicise: NET.LABS

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

  • None

DisCO Stories

See comment - 35%

  • Writing new stories/content STO.DOC
  • Conduct original Interviews STO.DOC
  • CurateExternal Articles for inclusion: STO.DOC
  • Curate RESEARCH for inclusion: STO.DOC RESEARCH
    • Conceptualise RESEARCH section STO.DOC RESEARCH
  • Must include stories on WM + Interledger: STO.DOC TECH NET.LABS
  • Format all new content in WP: VISUAL
  • Formatting improvements to Stories landing page and posts VISUAL
  • Advocate/publicise: NET.LABS

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)



    • Conceptualizing videos needed (GftW + future ones): STO.DOC VISUAL TECH
    • DisCO Deck: Overview and features STO.DOC VISUAL TECH
    • DisCO Blocks: Overview and features STO.DOC VISUAL TECH
    • DisCO Ball: Overview and features STO.DOC VISUAL TECH
    • What is DisCO? An introduction STO.DOC VISUAL
  • The Seven DisCO Principles STO.DOC VISUAL
  • DisCO Governance Explained STO.DOC VISUAL
  • Curation of external videos (workshops, presentations, etc) see DisCO Stories section above STO.DOC VISUAL
  • (See comment above for discussion on GftW finance videos)

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

  • None (preferably done in-house

Translation and localization

We will try to find additional financing for ES translation and formatting of Manifesto + Website. See comment for GftW Translation deliverables

  • DisCO Manifesto and Website ES translation STO.DOC VISUAL
    • (Pending 5,000 EU non GftW financing.)
  • DisCO Elements STO.DOC VISUAL
  • DisCO Pinkpaper STO.DOC VISUAL
  • Search for funding for further development: DIWO

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

  • GMC (Lara coordinates as part of DisCO Mothership and localisation steward)


See here for main DisCO DECK description in DisCO Project Matrix Wiki entry.

Configurable modules for value accounting with adjustable ratios and characteristics.

v. 1.0a Yes, GMC, DisCO Project (DisCO F <>GWOB Value Flows)

    • Pro-bono love work, market livelihood work, and reproductive care work metrics, with the possibility of varying rates and modes of tokenization
      • Metrics programmed through DisCO Blocks: STRA.DEV TECH
  • Must include WM options
    • Front end interface and UX VISUAL
    • Backend/code TECH
  • Integrations for automated value tracking, depending on a given DisCO's chosen productive work and software tools: STRA.DEV TECH
    • Part of NGI Atlantic/DisCO Stack.
  • Time tracking tools
    • Front end interface and UX VISUAL
    • Backend/code TECH

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

Interactive real time visualizations


    • All value streams according to accorded value ratios STRA.DEV TECH VISUAL TECH
    • Drag and drop real time adjustability of accorded ratios to suit personal circumstances and necessities of members (validated by voting-consent mechanisms) VISUAL TECH
  • All interactions in the Platform can take place through drag and drop graphic visualizations and/or numerical input interfaces. This includes real time visualizations of all DisCO-wide and individual member value flows
    • Personalized views of each DisCO member's historical, invested and divested credits VISUAL TECH
    • Economic projections and budgeting tools, including reproductive vs productive work balances and readjustments, as well as optimal invested/divested credit ratios: STRA.DEV TECH VISUAL LEG.FIN
      • Must include WM option visualizations for Lovework
    • Legislation-appropriate tax ratios, regular expenses and individual member expenses (deducted from individual allocations): VISUAL TECH
  • US: GWOB. EU: DisCO Foundation, GMC

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

Financial tools

1st Iteration/TBD. Cont. thru 'NGI-A prop'

    • Federated network of nodes implementing the ValueFlows vocabulary. STRA.DEV TECH NET.LABS DIWO
  • Access privilege mediated transfer of credits between:
    • individual DisCO members
    • value streams
    • separate DisCO nodes
    • and toward configurable value pools for specific projects
  • Transfer of credits among different DisCOs using a) ValueFlows vocabulary through CommonsPub, b) Interledger, and c) Web Monetization. STRA.DEV TECH NET.LABS DIWO
  • Monetary flow between consumers and producer coops as well as between collaborating organizations using a) ValueFlows vocabulary through CommonsPub, b) Interledger, and c) Web Monetization STRA.DEV TECH NET.LABS DIWO
  • Conversion of credits to designated fiat currencies, with bank transfers to: STRA.DEV TECH RESEARCH LEG.FIN
    • DisCO members (ie. monthly payments)
    • Suppliers
    • Organizations
  • Conversion of credits to various cryptocurrencies and individual, permissioned access to wallets STRA.DEV TECH RESEARCH LEG.FIN
  • Automated invoicing and payment tools, both via bank transfer and/or cryptocurrency wallets STRA.DEV TECH RESEARCH LEG.FIN
  • Legislation specific (Country/legal structure) community developed plugins, validated by cryptographic notary signature for taxation and State financial reporting. STRA.DEV TECH RESEARCH LEG.FIN

All components will allow for granular customization of how many of these processes are:

  1. Automatically executed by the CAT
  2. Automatically displayed by the CAT but only executed via customizable governance-model determined permissions and votes by the members
  3. Individually permissioned

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

DECK: CONTENT & Ongoing Dev

DECK Content

Derive from Platform Components above

  • Documentation (in DisCO BALL) for developers, software administrators, and users of the software. STO.DOC TECH VISUAL
  • Documentation: Documentation for developers, software administrators, and users of the software. TECH STO.DOC VISUAL
  • RESEARCH report: An initial report describing the lessons learned through the early experience of pilot teams using our software in the alpha and early beta stages. STRA.DEV TECH STO.DOC
  • Large-scale COMMUNITY activation. NET.LABS DIWO
  • DisCO DECK Promo. NET.LABS

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

  • DisCO LABS
  • Extended Research Circle

Ongoing Dev

    • SSB and IPFS conceptualizations
    • Blockchain Stage
  • Search for funding for further development. DIWO

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)


Mixed Stack

(Mixed FLOSS/Propietary working Stack)

Setting up basic tools for collaboration + design on DECK/FLOOR integration but no dev

    • Mixed Stack Mentoring, usage, documentation and mutual learning COMMUNITY DAT.MENT TECH STO.DOC Includes:
      • Clockify Categorization and Get Things GNOME dev
      • Research/Testing of NextCloud capacities
      • Installation/testing of self-hosted Loomio
      • Installation/testing of Mattermost
      • Installation/testing of BBB
    • Trello testing and alternative design (notes here). STRA.DEV TECH COMMUNITY
    • Research/dialogues with Jetpad DIWO STRA.DEV TECH
    • Bridges between DisCO STACK, DisCO DECK and DisCO BLOCKS: TECH VISUAL to
      • Automatize Value Tracking according to consent-based protocols
      • Assess the health of the collective and its needs for carework, with clear displays of needs, imbalances and red flags
    • Conceptualization of further stages STRA.DEV TECH
  • Search for funding for further development: DIWO

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

DisCO Experience


See notes below for Committed/Livelihood and Dating/love distinctions

IMPORTANT: Grant for the Web is currently financing the Development of current "committed level" DisCO LABS (ie, DisCO MOTHERSHIP, GWOB and GMC). Read the Project Matrix description of DisCO LABS, and its sections on DisCO LABS Co-development and the list of Committed/Dating/Casual level LABS. Development for Dating DisCO LABS and conversations/planning with Casual DisCO Labs are tallied as Lovework for now.

  • Committed DisCO LABS
    • GWOB DisCO Node
    • Guerrilla Media Collective

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

  • Research Partners

Research Lines

Financed by research partners. See notes below

IMPORTANT: The Research Circle and Research in general is not covered by GftW Funding. Therefore any research work done in-group/within the DisCO MOTHERSHIP is considered as Lovework. As there is constant interest in DisCO research from the partners below, any papers published on DisCO between November 2020 and May 2021 can be included as part of project deliverables.

  • Distributed Cooperativism in action
  • Designing whole-community governance
  • Intra DisCO value flows
  • Legal frameworks (on-chain and off)
  • Feminist economic theory and practice
  • Commons-oriented, feminist critique of DAOs
  • DisCOin: Cryptocurrencies
  • Commons-public partnerships

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

  • (Just copy list above)

Events and Outreach

See notes below

We had an initial 20,000 USD allocation for Travel/Conferences costs, hoping for post-covid AfterTimes. Realistically, the GftW team told us to strike it off the budget. We offered repurposing it for staff salaries and online events (10,000 USD). See the Creative Catalyst Budget here (tab 1 is the original budget, tab 2 the updated one). The "Live online events and materials" budget line will be done in-house (Sofía, Bronagh, Felipe, Stacco etc) which gives us maximum flexibility to repurpose it as staff salaries. The Foundational Tech budget also has 500 USD set aside for events/virtual conferences.

Important, all events and outreach must namedrop WM and IL

  • Video/audio documentation STO.DOC VISUAL
  • Web Monetization
      • Campaign for lefty/progressive creators to GET OF PATREON and use WM (with DisCO Characteristics). Make list. STRA.DEV NET.LABS DAT.MENT
  • dd

Possible Partner Involvement (TBD)

GftW Links

(A fuller list of links can be found in the Trello Card that corresponds to this thread)

Internal Working Links

General GftW Links

  1. As this is a work deliverables and planning doc, a lot of the Carework is not being visualized or listed as bullet points. Most of it is reflected in Trello though. Carework threads through and enables all of these tasks.
  2. Read this if you're not familiar with TRLs
  3. More info on Alpha, Beta etc status for software here.
  4. Manuals for other [name] platforms will be part of future non GftW DisCO Project deliverables
  5. Web Monetization. Find out more here.
  6. From GftW Application: "We will use the Creative Catalyst Grant for large scale community activation around DisCOs providing:
    • 1-First iteration of DisCO Floor: an interactive and highly accessible educational platform with resources and legal tools to build DisCOs worldwide. DisCO Floor will have a similar front-end design and explicit bridges to the DisCO Deck platform built by Value Flows. Featuring an interactive learning journey, governance model builder, and detailed examples of how each DisCO provides different governance solutions to common situations, DisCO Floor is a knowledge commons designed to expand into the future through user collaboration. Building on our experience with, the design will be highly approachable, colorful and intuitive.
    • 2-Electronic, downloadable DisCO Handbook, filled with practical examples from DisCO pilots, providing a complementary linear and narrative approach to the educational materials contained in the DisCO Deck.
    • 3-Ongoing community outreach through webinars or events (post Covid-19 restrictions), as well as multilingual narrative and audiovisual materials.
    • 4-Participatory action research on DisCO's economic, human and legal aspects (independently financed by our research partners and outside the budget of this proposal).
    These efforts will lead towards the creation of a non-profit DisCO Foundation following established FLOSS business model and licensing practices."