DisCO Elements Bibliography

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Bibliography for If I Only Had a Heart: The DisCO Elements

“A Cyborg Manifesto.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, December 9, 2020.


Avila, R., Srnicek, N., Gebrial, D., Wark, M., Van Doorn, N., Troncoso, S., . . . Muldoon, J. (n.d.).

Platforming Equality: Policy challenges for the digital economy. Retrieved November 20, 2020, from https://autonomy.work/portfolio/platformingequality/

Barad, Karen Michelle. Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of

Matter and Meaning. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007.

Barbrook, Richard, and Andy Cameron. “THE CALIFORNIAN IDEOLOGY by Richard Barbrook and Andy

Cameron.” Imaginary Futures: From Thinking Machines to the Global Village. Accessed August 24, 2020. http://www.imaginaryfutures.net/2007/04/17/the-californian-ideology-2/.

Bauwens, Michel, and Vasilis Kostakis. “From the Communism of Capital to Capital for the Commons:

Towards an Open Co-Operativism.” tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, April 3, 2014. https://www.triple-c.at/index.php/tripleC/article/view/561.

Bauwens, Michel, Vasilis Kostakis, Stacco Troncoso, and Ann Marie Utratel. “The Commons

Transition Primer.” Commons Transition Primer. P2P Foundation, Commons Transition, Heinrich Böll Foundation, December 21, 2017. https://primer.commonstransition.org/.

Bollier, David, and Pat Conaty. “Toward an Open Co-Operativism:” Commons Strategies Group.

Commons Strategies Group, Heinrich Böll Foundation, November 30, 2015. http://commonsstrategies.org/towards-an-open-co-operativism/.

Bollier, David, and Silke Helfrich. Free, Fair, and Alive. Gabriola Island, British Columbia:


Bollier, David. “Re-Imagining Value: Insights from the Care Economy, Commons, Cyberspace and

Nature.” Commons Strategies Group. Commons Strategies Group, Heinrich Böll Foundation, March 21, 2017. http://commonsstrategies.org/re-imagining-value-insights-care-economy-commons-cyberspace-nature/.

Carson, Kevin A. Studies in Mutualist Political Economy. Fayetteville, AR: Kevin A. Carson, 2004.

D'Ignazio, Catherine, and Lauren F. Klein. Data Feminism. Cambridge, MA: MIT PRESS LTD, 2020.

Dafermos, G. (n.d.). Open Design Commons and Distributed Manufacturing. Retrieved November 20, 2020,

from http://wiki.commonstransition.org/wiki/Open_Design_Commons_and_Distributed_Manufacturing

De Filippi, Primavera. “Ethereum: Freenet or Skynet?” Guerrilla Translation!, January 19, 2015.


De Filippi, Primavera|, and Xavier Lavayssière. “Blockchain Technology: toward a Decentralized Governance of

Digital Platforms?” Confoederatio Think Tank. CERSA / CNRS / Université Paris II, December 5, 2019. https://confoederatio.noblogs.org/post/2019/05/12/blockchain-technology-toward-a-decentralized-governance-of-digital-platforms/.

De Filippi, Primavera, and Aaron Wright. Blockchain and the Law the Rule of Code. Cambridge, MA: Harvard

University Press, 2019.

“Distributed Cooperative Organization (DisCO) Governance Model V 3.0.” DisCO.coop. DisCO.coop, Guerrilla

Media Collective. Accessed August 24, 2020. https://disco.coop/governance-model/.

Federici, Silvia. Caliban and the Witch: New York, NY: Autonomedia, 2014.

Gibson-Graham, J. K. A Postcapitalist Politics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2007.

Guerrilla Media Collective Wiki. Guerrilla Media Collective/DisCO.coop. Accessed August 24, 2020.


Haraway, Donna Jeanne. Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Durham: Duke University

Press, 2016.

Kostakis, Vasilis. “How to Reap the Benefits of the ‘Digital Revolution’? Modularity and the Commons.”

Halduskultuur The Estonian Journal of Administrative Culture and Digital Governance 20, no. 1 (October 31, 2019): 4–19. https://doi.org/10.32994/hk.v20i1.228.

Measuring the size and scope of the cooperative economy: Results of the 2014 global census on co-operatives.

Dave Grace & Associates, October 9, 2014. https://portailcoop.hec.ca/in/details.xhtml?id=h%3A%3Ac3357139-31ae-4270-83ef-9d24884e2be3.

Nakamoto, Satoshi, James Bridle, Jaya Klara Brekke, and Ben Vickers. The White Paper. London: Ignota Books,


Pazaitis, Alex, Primavera De De Filippi, and Vasilis Kostakis. “Blockchain and Value Systems in the Sharing

Economy: The Illustrative Case of Backfeed.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Science Direct, June 10, 2017. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0040162517307084.

Piques, C. and Rizos, X., 2014. Peer To Peer And The Commons: A Matter, Energy And Thermodynamic

Perspective. [online] Commons Transition. Available at: <https://commonstransition.org/peer-peer-commons-matter-energy-thermodynamic-perspective/>.

Restakis, J. (n.d.). Public Policy for a Social Knowledge Economy. Retrieved November 20, 2020, from


Schneider, Nathan. Everything for Everyone the Radical Tradition That Is Shaping the next Economy.

New York: Nation Books, 2018.

Scholz, Trebor. Uberworked and Underpaid: How Workers Are Disrupting the Digital Economy. Cambridge:

Polity Press, 2017.

Schwettmann, Jürgen. “The Role of Cooperatives in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals - the

Economic Dimension -.” UN DESA. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, December 10, 2014. https://www.un.org/esa/socdev/documents/2014/coopsegm/Schwettmann.pdf.

“Take the Power Back.” Rage Against The Machine Official Site, February 4, 2019.


Tréguer, Félix. “The State and Digital Surveillance in Times of the Covid-19 Pandemic.” SciencesPo Center for

International Studies. CERI Unité Mixte de Recherche, June 1, 2020. https://www.sciencespo.fr/ceri/en/content/state-and-digital-surveillance-times-covid-19-pandemic.

Troncoso, Stacco, and Ann Marie Utratel. “If I Only Had a Heart: A DisCO Manifesto.” DisCO.coop. Transnational

Institute, November 14, 2019. https://disco.coop/manifesto/.

Troncoso, Stacco, and Ann Marie Utratel. “From Platform to Open Cooperativism.” Commons Transition. P2P

Foundation & Commons Transition, April 19, 2017. http://commonstransition.org/from-platform-to-open-cooperativism/.